We receive a lot of questions from people asking me about our thoughts on joining tour groups in Europe — most notably Contiki Tours. For those of you who aren’t aware, Contiki is a well-known and very popular bus tour company that caters to students/youth travelers. Not surprisingly, based on their younger clientele, they have earned a reputation as being a booze-filled party tour.
We want to say upfront that we prefer traveling independently — after all The Savvy Backpacker is focused on independent travel. That said, we don’t have any problem with these kinds of tours. So, with that in mind, our goal for this article isn’t to talk you into or out of a Contiki Tour. Our goal is to give you the facts, both good and bad, so you can make an informed decision on whether a tour like this is right for you.
Quick Overview of Contiki Tours

Contiki is the most popular bus tour company for young travelers (18-35). They operate in Europe, Russia, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, North America, and Asia — but most of the info in this guide will be focused on their European tours.
They host more than 150,000 travelers each year and they’ve been doing tours since the early 60s.
Multiple Tour Options
One nice thing about Contiki is that they offer a wide variety of tour options — ranging from week-long trips to multiple-month excursions. They also have tour options that visit just about every part of Europe so that’s really nice.
Their most popular tours are their “budget” tours (which basically means the accommodation consist of budget hotels and campsites). You can view all their European tours here.
The tour prices range from around $1000 for about a week to well over $6000 for multi-week trips. Their most popular tours will be around $2000. Visit this page to see all their prices.
Travel Styles
In the past, we’ve ragged on Contiki because they were traditionally seen as a party on wheels. Don’t get us wrong, we can totally see why people would be into that and we don’t have a problem with it… but not everyone is into that kind of travel.
But these days, while some of the tours still have that party atmosphere, Contiki now offers a lot more options to fit other travel styles — which we think was a great move.
Here are their main travel styles:
- High Energy
- Discovery Plus
- In-Depth Explorer
- Easy Pace
- Freestyle Camping
- Sailing and Cruising
- Winter and Ski
Click here to see all their travel styles
All the accommodation is provided by Contiki and is included in the price —so you never have to worry about finding a place to sleep (conversely, you have no say in where you stay). Each tour usually features multiple types of accommodation but there are basically three types of accommodation:
- Budget Hotels: They claim to only book “2-3 star” hotels but many have reported that some of the hotels were very “budget”.
- Hostels: Similar to budget hotels. You’ll be sharing a room — which is normal.
- Contiki Owned Campsites: Think summer camp with shared cabins —not tents. The company’s employees staff the site.
On average, the quality of the accommodation tends to be on par with that of a budget hostel. The type of accommodation differs in each city and some are nicer than others. Some places are not that great, but some are fairly nice (for budget standards).
Much like a hostel, expect to share a room with 2-4 other people. However, you can usually pay extra to have your own room.
Be aware that your accommodation might not be located in the city. Depending on the tour, a few of your hostels/campsites could be far outside the city (sometimes 30-60 minutes by train/taxi). These locations are often not on any public transportation routes, so you’ll have to fork over 40-50 euros for a taxi ride if you want to spend time in the city.
Contiki’s website does a pretty good job of telling you what to expect on each tour/destination so be sure to do some research.
Breakfast is provided every day and it usually consists of standard food you’d find for free at almost any hostel (milk, cereal, toast w/ jam, coffee, and tea). You will sometimes get lucky and have eggs or sausage.
Lunch is always up to you. A lot of times you eat at rest stops because you’re usually on the bus during lunchtime.
Dinner is provided about half the time. Most of the time the staff at the campsite cooks it and sometimes you have to help with some of the cooking and cleaning.
In some cities, there are optional “special meals” that are served at restaurants but they’re fairly expensive. Some have reported that the meal is delicious and some told me that it was mediocre at best — it depends on where you go. For a budget traveler, this extra fee is a lot of money and I know you can get a cheaper meal in any European city.
Travel Pace
The breakneck travel pace seems to be a complaint that a lot of people have. Contiki Tours aims to hit as many places as possible so you often end up barely scratching the surface of each destination. You’ll only spend a day or two in large cities (Paris, Rome, etc) and half days in smaller towns.
On the other hand, you do end up getting to see a lot (albeit briefly).
In many instances, you are dropped off in the center of town, given a map, and told to meet back at a specific location/time. If your accommodation is outside the city, the bus will take you back to the campsite/hotel at night, otherwise, you meet at the bus in the morning (6-8 am).
You will spend a lot of time on the bus — about 40% of the trip. Most people say that every second day is spent on the bus and most rides are 6-10 hours long. A lot of people spend their time on the bus sleeping off their hangovers or socializing. The bus stops every few hours at roadside convenience stores and gas stations.
Without a doubt, you’ll see a lot in a short amount of time, but things often tend to blend together when traveling at such a fast pace. Some people told me that they liked the fast pace because it gave them a good overview of where they want to visit again when they come back for their next European trip.
Note: Contiki does have some tours that travel at a bit slower of pace but their bread and butter tours are typically fast-paced.
Party Atmosphere
Contiki Tours have earned a reputation for being a party on wheels. I have heard from multiple sources that many of the tours quickly turn into drunken parties with lots of sex. This really isn’t too surprising — young people + hormones + plenty of alcohol + close quarters with the same people for long periods of time + interesting accents = hazy memories. It is basically a college party on steroids.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because a lot of people have tons of fun on Contiki Tours.
Because of the constant parties and accelerated travel pace, many people have told me that they have fuzzy memories of Europe. Some people have an absolute blast and just love this style of travel. Hell, we really enjoy letting loose and maybe having a few too many drinks, but doing that multiple times a week will really wear you down.
Of course, you don’t have to drink/get drunk but there is a good chance the people around you will.
The Contiki Traveler
All travelers have to be between 18-35, but the average age is about 20-25. Contiki Tours is an Australian company so there are a lot of Australians, but there are also plenty of Americans, Canadians, Kiwis, Brits, and Irish (you’ll probably get a few other nationalities in there too). It seems that there are generally more females than males and about half of the people are traveling alone.
A large majority of former Contiki travelers often talk fondly of all the cool people they met and how much fun they had with them. A lot of people form really close friendships with their fellow travelers. For good and bad, many people’s best memories come from the people they meet—not from the sights. But, to be fair, some of our best memories of traveling came from the people we’ve met in hostels, so we can’t see how this is any different.
Group Travel Frustrations
When there are 50 people in a group it is inevitable that someone will be constantly late—this is especially true in the morning when there are a bunch of hung-over travelers. Just be prepared to wait a lot.
You also run the risk of having a lame group. I have heard a few stories about travelers expecting a party only to find out that most people didn’t want to do anything. Or people could just not get along well and then you’re stuck with them for the duration of the trip.
Although, most people have very little conflict or frustrations stemming from group travel.
Tourist Traps
The tour guides are rumored to get kickbacks for bringing their guests to certain bars/shops/restaurants, so it is hard to always believe that the guide is showing you the best places to go.
For example, on some tours you are taken to an Italian leather shop as one of your destinations, but it is basically a glorified tourist gift shop (there are also silver, glass, diamond, and other shop “tours”). The people in the shop demonstrate their craft but then hit you with a big sales pitch. We’ve also heard stories about how the tour guides give travelers “city maps” but the maps really only highlight these “gift shops.”
We’ve also been warned that many of the “extra” excursions are extremely overpriced. It is usually best to book those on your own at a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure to purchase these extra tours because you can either go or be stuck at the campsite (which doesn’t have access to the city).
Tipping is highly encouraged by the staff. Each person gets their own envelope w/ their name on it and you’re supposed to put your tip in it. We don’t have a problem with tipping but some past guests thought this method seemed a bit forceful.
Reasons People Choose Contiki
Again, we’re not against these kinds of tours and we totally understand the benefits they provide. Below are some of the reasons people love Contiki Tours.
No Need To Plan
Some travelers simply don’t want to plan their trip and they would rather just let someone else take care of all that work. We think this is understandable, and we admit that travel planning can take a lot of time.
Planning can also be frustrating and honestly it can get overwhelming. We kind of like the planning part of the experience (obviously, we created this website) but we don’t fault anyone for just wanting to have a good time without having the headache of planning.
Many travelers think traveling around Europe is difficult, but using trains, planes, and other public transportation (especially in Europe) is usually pretty simple once you understand how the system works. But we totally see how it would seem intimidating — especially for someone who has no experience with public transportation. Nonetheless, a tour can be a good choice if you still don’t feel comfortable traveling independently.
I also think a lot of travelers get caught up in the fact they don’t speak the local language. Hell, we still get intimidated when we travel to a foreign country. Being in a tour group takes away a lot of this apprehension (although most Europeans speak English well, so we wouldn’t worry too much about it).
Solo Travelers
Many solo travelers choose tours because they feel that traveling alone is unsafe or lonely — we hear this a lot from female travelers. These concerns are completely understandable and we’ve had the same feelings ourselves.
That said, we’ve met plenty of solo female travelers but not everyone is up for this kind of experience. So, given a choice between not traveling and going on a tour, we’d always choose the tour.
So, if traveling alone is preventing you from traveling to Europe, then I think Contiki is an excellent option.
Instant Friends
Being surrounded by 50 other people means that you’ll never go lonely.
In fact, this built-in social network is one of the reasons we love hostels. And a Contiki tour is like a hostel on steroids. Plus, you don’t have to constantly reintroduce yourself to new people over and over again as you do in hostels.
And if you read past reviews, almost every person mentioned the friendships they made on their tour.
Fun Guides
Past travelers seem to love their tour guides.
Always Something To Do
There will always be something going on every night. You have the option to do your own thing but there is always an option to party with the group.
Some people love Contiki Tours and you can find plenty of people who rave about them online. In fact, many of these people take multiple tours with them. On the other hand, you will also find many reviews from people that didn’t enjoy their trip as much as they would have liked.
From what I’ve found, most former travelers said that their tour was fun and they were not disappointed they took the tour… but one tour is probably enough. I don’t think this is necessarily a negative thing since these tours help “ease” people into their European experience and it shows how easy European travel can be.
Check out their European tours options to see what all they offer.

If you’re interested in hearing a tour guide’s firsthand account of leading one of these tours I suggest reading Rule No. 5: No Sex on the Bus: Confessions of a Tour Leader by Brian Thacker. It isn’t written about Contiki specifically but we imagine many of the themes apply to all youth-oriented tour groups. It is pretty funny and interesting to read about all the crazy stuff a bunch of drunken youths can get up to.
Not sure if a Contiki tour is for you? We suggest you visit the Contiki Website to get a better idea of their specific tours.
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